Saturday, January 11, 2014

How Seriously Do We Take The Vengeance of God?

How seriously do we take the vengeance of God? We know from Romans 12:19, which quotes Deuteronomy 32:35, that we are not to avenge ourselves, for “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says God. So believers know that they are not to avenge themselves.  The consistent biblical example is that God cares a lot about avenging the innocent, and such a concern we find in a biblical law about cold cases, unsolved murders, that shows that a sacrifice had to be paid by the town or village closest to the place where the dead body was found. This law is full of odd and striking resonance, so it is worth examining today.

Suppose the City of Napa police stopped wrongful convictions in their tracks using public scrutiny, severe consequences, and large payouts to those wronged by bad cops. If the cops in Napa learned from the Rodney King incident, Thomas Kelly wouldn't have been beaten to death in nearby Fullerton and Oscar Grant wouldn't have been shot to death in nearby Oakland. But, they didn't and the cops dehumanized me while on their witch hunt. I truly believe when there is no a accountability for the innocent, the evil will continue to spread throughout the world.

"Our hands have not shed this blood, 
nor have our eyes seen it". 

The City of Napa, state and federal judges deliberately, maliciously, and intentionally, failed to put away the guilt of innocent blood from among us to do what was right in the sight of God. They had chance after chance to make things right. What did the City of Napa do? They chased me out of their town then sent their demons of hell to Oregon to extend their cruel and unusual punishments to force me to commit suicide, commit a crime, hurt someone else so they can continue to indoctrinate, isolate, and destroy my businesses and property. This is what judges and cops do to women who claim civil right and human right violations so they can institutionalize them in mental hospitals. I know for a fact, there are many, many, people accused of being delusional because no one will help them.

Inter-American Summary

Oregon Fed:

                                                      FEDERAL INJUNCTION
Our life in America is not worth the paper our birth certificate was written on when a series of misconduct goes on without accountability. That is why this petition must be signed:

How Do You SHOW Respect For People Who Want To Kill You


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