Kini Cosma "She
cried almost the entire four hours every other day they were allowed to
visit their children." Geeze, that's a good thing they didn't try to
commit her to a mental institution like they did me.
23 hours ago · Like · 2
- Kini Cosma I took my case to Federal Court and I also alleged excessive expectations, etc. That's what the CPS/DCS industry does. They tell the parents to do this and that and this and that, NEVER INTENDING ON REUNITED THE CHILDREN WITH THE PARENTS23 hours ago · Like · 3

Danny O'Moore (friends with Christine Spearman) also commented on Legally Kidnapped's link. |
wrote: "yes & ... LOL women believed they aere being empowered ...
it's no joke you were ignored Kini... but the sad upcomance is:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a. |
- Kini Cosma Yep and the sad upcomance for them is http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/north-korea-threatens-us-nuclear-attack-18679336

Danny O'Moore (friends with Christine Spearman) also commented on Legally Kidnapped's link. |
Danny wrote: "yep the circles of evil karma, oh no... those of us like you and me already in the pit of despair look up & out in a little wonder at women's BLINDNESS, but I suppose money IS everything to women... well most lets say." |

Danny O'Moore (friends with Christine Spearman) also commented on Legally Kidnapped's link. |
Danny wrote: "sad isn't it... that women's greed has enabled NOT women's power but the demise of the ONE thing that could have tried to save us all. The family. Gone. Thanks ladies so much enjoy YOUR FRUIT!" |

Danny O'Moore (friends with Christine Spearman) also commented on Legally Kidnapped's link. | ||||||||||
Danny wrote: "I have been excluded from my children's lives for over 12 years... oh no does my angst show?" |
- Kini Cosma That's not my fault. Go to war where you belong and stop fighting with women you coward

Danny O'Moore (friends with Christine Spearman) also commented on Legally Kidnapped's link. |
Danny wrote: "LOL" |
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